proj. 1.
2023Todomat is part of the transdisciplinary and transformative research project Urbane Xtopien. It consists of a physical installation at the Museum for Sepulchral Culture in Kassel and a corresponding web application. The Todomat normalises death's presence in everyday life, offering a platform for individuals to record and update their end-of-life wishes and decisions.
proj. 2.
Lil denimjean,
2024Lil denimjean is a fashion brand that creates unique denim garments. Their contemporary approach to design is reflected in their website, which features a heavy internet aesthetic.
proj. 3.
Emotional Futures,
2023The more players interact with Emotional Futures, the more they are encouraged to reflect on the ways in which technologies are used to manipulate and monetise their emotions.
proj. 4.
Tranzit House,
2020The Tranzit Project was born in 1997 as the consequence of the need of filling the social-cultural void in the city. From this point of view maybe the project started in a slightly utopian way. During the last years parts of the initial vision have become reality.
proj. 5.
2022The German Society for Design Theory and Research (DGTF) is a non-profit association dedicated to the discussion, exchange and profiling of design-related topics.
proj. 6.
Pabellón de Panamá,
2023The exhibition provides a counter-narrative to this status quo, with Panama as a case study for a future vision of a “tropical” nation, by combining its various historical influences. Exhibited at the Panamanian Pavilion at Venice Biennale of Architecture 2023.
proj. 7.
2022"rrrreflect Journal of Integrated Design Research" is a publication of KISDedition, the publishing department of Köln International School of Design (KISD).
proj. 8.
Attending [to] Futures,
2020Attending to Futures is a conference uniting design practitioners, researchers, educators, students, scholars, and activists, hosted at Cologne International School of Design. The event serves as a critical platform to address and reprogram the political dimensions of design.